Andreas Widmer

Andreas Widmer

Director of the Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship at The Catholic University of America

Andreas E. Widmer is an Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and the director of the Ciocca Center for Principled Entrepreneurship at The Busch School of Business. Previously he served as CEO of the business strategy firm OTF Group (formerly part of the Monitor Group) and helped lead web content management pioneer Eprise Corporation, speech recognition pioneer Dragon Systems, and internet pioneer FTP Software. Andreas is the author of The Pope & The CEO: Pope Saint John Paul II’s Lessons to a Young Swiss Guard, a book exploring leadership lessons that Widmer learned serving as a Swiss Guard protecting Pope John Paul II and refined during his career as a successful business executive.

Slowinski Courtroom

Panel—Law, Desire, and Rivalry

Andreas Widmer
Ryan Meade
Chris Conway
Edward David